The HD2 Eventboard provides your guests with up-to-date event and meeting room information. A standard display includes the start/end time, room, floor, and description/company. With our Eventboards, you can customize multiple zones, making it easy to provide additional content such as news, weather, and way-finding and marketing information.
SignWave provides many benefits to scheduling management, such as:
Eliminate endless printing of paper signage and placards
Connect to popular EMS / PMS programs for hands-free operation
Automate room schedule and event data via network
Support for large digital reader boards for multi-room views (option)
Access event schedules at meeting location or by web browser
Manage event data by editing text, change room combines and room swaps
Adjust ad-hoc scheduling at conference rooms using local password protected keypad
Change logos for event branding or sponsorship
Use built-in scheduler for stand-alone operation
Default to logo or image when room is empty, automatically
Automatic sequence of scheduling timeline
Change graphic backgrounds to retain fresh branding
Use multiple data templates to optimize data appearance
Replace overly expensive digital signage solutions